René René is typing... Sep 18, 2023

A brief note on topics (and off-topics)

We launched this forum almost a month ago and it’s been great to see the community starting to arise. We started without any formal guidelines because we wanted to see how things naturally shaped up. After a few weeks though, it's becoming clear that some conversations are a better fit than others here.

The purpose is to have a place to receive feedback from you and offer support when needed. Additionally — as a sort of experiment — we want to build a community centered around writing. The Cafe channel, in particular, is great to have conversations about anything writing-related:

  • What inspires you?
  • What are you struggling with?
  • Tips and tricks you are experimenting with?

Some other random topics are fine, especially when they serve as starting points to get to know the people in the community. However, going forward, we'll start marking all other "random" posts as Off-topic to keep the community healthy and focused.

As always, we are open to any suggestions you may have about this. Thank you for joining the conversation and helping us improve!